July 27, 2008

just checking

i check to see if their chests rise. I check to see if they breathe. I always look to see their bellies rise up and down to be sure they are still alive. I do this with grammy and dad. I dont do this with anyone else because no one else falls asleep at random times during the day. I occcasionally glance over at them in the green chair. That green chair that no one else sits in. Its one of those recliner chairs. The kind that makes all that noise when they yank that lever to open the leg rest. It pops out into mid air and your feet flop up and then down landing softly on the green fabric. Its that ugly forest green. We have this color because it was the only one in the furniture store that was on sale, probably because no one else wanted its ugly forest color. You sit in this chair and then before your feet hit the cushiony green fabric, your eyes are closed and you've corked off. I always check to see your chest rise. I look to see your diaphragm fill with air, and then out again. I check if youre still alive

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