May 26, 2009

when will u realize being realized is not as real as u realize? does
that even make sense? i have decided to use my mobile email to blog as
opposed to the texing format i have done twice already that DIDNT
work. i spent like 20 minutes blogging last night and it was a good
one too... it was in reference to the 24 tomato plants i transplanted
into my vegetable garden over the weekend. now i know you are bummed
out that it didnt get posted and u cant read all about the tomatoes
but... there is a delay on ny lg dare keypad and i have to stop typing
long enough for the software to catch up to my speedy record breaking
texting capabilities. also the return button does not work and for
some reason when i email on my phone the question mark that is usually
there is not on the qwerty pad. interesting. this is a bullshit post
to be sure it works properly before i take the time to actually blog
about important or even slightly significant material. toodles.

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